My Blogs and Articles
Also other important articles and great research by our well-know scientists and scholars ***

My articles are being posted/published by Inanna Publications' blog and Journey Magazin

My work in...

My work in...

Iran's New Uprising

Iran's New Uprising (on Inanna blogs)

First Nations Still Living with Many Difficulties - 1

Women's Day March 2020

Is There a Mystery to “Blind Obedience?”

Does Voting Mean Anything? Who Benefits?


Pepole - Let's Unify

Are We There Yet?

Perhaps Women Should Take Over! Should We?

Why Do We Not Question?

Where Are They?

Are Our Young Mothers Protected? What About Our Hardworking Citizens?


Is the Word “Racist” a Vulgarity?

From Rachel Carson to David Suzuki to Greta Thunberg

First Nations are Still Living with many Difficulties 2

March 8th 2021 - Happy Women's Day

Did Trump Cause Bigotry and Intolerance in America?

Life with SARS-CoV-2, or the infamous Covid-19..

.First Nations Still Living with Many Difficulties - 1

Happy Women's Day Mar. 8. 2020

Is There a Mystery to “Blind Obedience?”

Does Voting Mean Anything? Who Benefits?


Are We There Yet?


People - Let's Unify

Our Scientists and Scholars

Environmental Science

Stanford-led study investigates how much climate change affects the risk of armed conflict

War Threatens Our Environment (Amazing videos/talk on how wars affect our environment.)

USA's Military Budget

When did we cross the line so far? How far do we permit ourselves to go with competitive acquisition of wealth at the expense of others and of our ecosystem?
I always thought that the family is the fundamental unit of society and the core for the growth and learning of life’s value. To some extent, the family is a venue for the primary development of a person's beliefs and ideas as established by a surrounding cultural milieu. Ideally, that process would result in a population capable of living their lives in line with a respect for a perpetually sustainable Earth and for each other. Somewhere on our way we have lost that line of possibility. Morality is disfunctional, and the overpowering value in operation is self-interest, without paying attention to the consequences of one’s action.

Human advancement, health, wealth and poverty:

The impact of human encroachments on the world fresh water system...

Competition for resources

Poverty Around The World

The Wealthy and the Poor

On Dominating wealth, people and ideas:

The Corporate Takeover of U.S. Democracy

When Immigration turns to Slavery

On Wars:

Unjust War

The National Interest

Just and Unjust War

On Global Warming:

The Dangers of Global Warming

Causes, Effects and Dangers of Global Warming

On Racism:


Racism in the Media

Racism in action

On Racism, Colombia, and the Militarization of Outer Space

John Humphrey Centre for Peace and Human Rights

Nasreen Pejvack-Copyright© 2010 - 2024 All Rights Reserved